I cannot think of anyone more deserving than The Incurable Insomniac. Not only is this person my favorite blogger, but also happens to be my bestest friend in the world. Steph has worked so hard for so many years. Not just in the conventional sense of the "working world", but more importantly, he has worked his ass off creating music and the written word to better all of us as the human race. Those intangible creations that make us all better people, if we would just pay attention. What I wish for Steph more than anything, is that he gain the respect and accolades he so rightfully deserves. Not just financially ( though I know he knows that would be nice) :-) But the recognition for all that he has done. Steph has given me the gift of laughter, knowledge, wisdom and the most precious of all gifts, his friendship. I am a better person for just knowing him.
2. Post your favorite memory around selflessness, giving, or doing for others. Something that has actually changed you.
When I first moved to Colorado, my then husband and I moved into a mobile home that had been "founded" to the land, 13 miles above the town of Golden. It was December, we had no heat and very little of anything else. Close to Christmas, we found a basket of food sitting next to our mailbox. In it was a ham, tea, coffee, some jams, crackers and cookies and a myriad of other yums. There was a card attached that read "Ho ho ho, you'll never know". To this day I still don't know who left it for us. I was so touched by the gesture. I try to remember this when I come across someone who is in a low place in their life. When I have been able to, I have done the same for others.
3. As a postscript, name one thing you will actually do for someone in your life before December 31 that is born out of joy.
The only thing I can do, is make sure that the people around me know that I love them and care for them. Something I try to do on a regular basis anyway.
1 comment:
Ah garsh... You make me blush.
I love you!
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