Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Getting better is making me sick

So, I started taking an injectable medication last Tuesday for my diabetes. It's not insulin, but rather a very new drug designed to slow the metabolism and even out glucose levels. I knew the risk of side effects when I started taking it. But, damn, it sucks. Sunday night, right after eating, I became violently ill. Uncontrollable vomiting and (to put it politely) gastrointestinal distress. I have been sick like a dog ever since.

I missed work on Monday and went home early yesterday. Now I am sitting here at work, still fighting back the nausea. I talked to my Dr. and she assured me that these are the typical side effects and shouldn't last more than a week. A week??? Good lord and butter. How am I supposed to get this diabetes under control if
  1. I can't keep my other medications down?
  2. I cannot eat anything for fear of losing it 2 minutes later?
  3. I get dehydrated, because water isn't even staying with me?
So, getting better, is making me sick. What a drag.

OK, I'm finished complaining.

On a happy note, we got a new kitten. He is gray and white and as sweet as can be. He still has not told us what his name is yet, but these things take time sometimes. Right now I just all him Little Buddy. So, Gilligan has crossed my mind more than once. LOL Took him to the Cat Clinic on Monday afternoon, and he got a clean bill of health and got his shots and stuff. I will post a pic as soon as I get one.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Million dollar Roundtable

The King Arthur of the Roundtable is up this week. He daydreams of having just enough money to allow him the freedom of lounging and avoiding the drudgery of the everyday commute. What about that? How much moolah would it take to set you for life? Head on over to Chasing Vincenzo and let him know your thoughts.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot...

Some of my fellow bloggers have been commenting on the heat lately. And, as the A/C in my place of employment has been down all day, I thought I would say a few words myself.

I hate the heat. It sux. I hate sweating. It's 88 in our office right now, and only fixing to get hotter. I'm not happy and I want to cut off all of my hair and dunk my entire head in the sink. How did the pioneers do it??

OK, that's my rant for the week.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Shhhhh... It's dirty

Some years ago, my friends and I were talking about how odd it is that there are dozens of euphemisms for male masturbation, and none for the female. Of course thinking this unfair and discriminatory, we came up with our own list. If any one out there has anything to add please feel free. This is the La Boheme list of euphemisms for female masturbation. BTW I was inspired by Joe Wack, over at Hairshirt.

OK, euphemisms for female masturbation
  • Combing the kitty
  • Slapping the clam
  • Petting the pussy
  • Tickling the taco
I cannot think of any more right now, but I am sure some of you must have your own. I would love to see them. For now I am off to bed, for I must rise and go to work in the morning.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

No bad kids, only poor parenting.

Is anyone else getting sick of the "cute kid" syndrome in television commercials lately?? Take for instance "Bob" the Quiznos baby. WTF?? He's creepy as hell, more annoying than Morton Downy on crack, and about as appealing as Spam on a saltine. Seriously, I would rather have the weird-ass singing hamsters back. "They got a pepper bar" Thank goodness they finally got rid of him. But, there are still so many annoying little kids in commercials.

Take for instance the one MANY sickeningly sweet cutesy kids from the Welches grape juice commercials:

Little pigtailed brunette girl: "Mom says she loves sharing her Welches white grape juice with the whole family, but I think she gets it just for herself.”

OK... so you think she gets it just for herself, yet your snot-nosed, selfish and inconsiderate little cakehole is still guzzling down the juice. Probably the ONE thing that mom indulges on for herself.

Another is the commercial for Universal Studios.
Another spoiled brat standing in front of a roller coaster: "If I had to kiss one more princess on my vacation, I was gonna hurl."

This kid is lucky to be on vacation to begin with. Her parents work their asses off all year just so she can have a little fun. But is she grateful? Does she say, “Gee thanks mom and dad!”? No, instead she complains.

When did poor behavior from children become acceptable? I get so frustrated as the media spins out more and more propaganda geared towards the acceptance of allowing kids to act like little jerk wads. Kids are not little adults. They should not be allowed to act like little adults, and parents need to get up off their asses and raise their kids. I know it is not the kids' fault. It's these parents who think they have to read a dozen self help books on parenting to raise their kids. Kids don't want to be left on their own to "find themselves". They need discipline and structure It does not take a village to raise a child, it takes good parenting. We are raising a nation of self centered, arrogant little jerks who have an exaggerated sense of entitlement. I feel sorry for them in a way. When they do reach adulthood, they are going to be slapped in the face with reality. How are they going to feel about their parents then?