Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Another day, another dollar

Well, I'm off to clean up the fire some more today. Not really looking forward to it, but blah blah blah... I don't get it though. These people have more cleaning supplies than Procter and Gamble, but they live like pigs. Thick layers of dust everywhere (not soot, DUST), cobwebs so thick, it looks as though they are getting ready for Halloween. Don't even get me started on the toilet. *shudder* Thank god we aren't cleaning that. Well, frankly, I would just say "Hell, no!" LOL.

I just don't understand how people can live like this. I was in that house for only one day and my allergies and asthma were almost out of control. Sneezing and wheezing. Beau went to the drug store and got me some allergy medicine and I am keeping my inhaler in my pocket. Hope it works, because I need the flippin paycheck.

OK... enough about that shit. On a lighter note, here is a picture of my kitty, Figaro. How cute! I may have to puke!! LOL

Holy crap, am I tired

OK.... I made it through the first day of this. I am sssoooooooooooooooooo tired. I don't think I have ever worked this hard, except when I was doing community service. Three more days. Lord, I hope I can make it. Jebuz crast. I realized that I only peed once this whole day. I mean aside from the morning business. This is how dehydrated I became. BUT, I will see this job through to the end. Damn my loyalty. More later when I have come to my senses.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005's a paycheck

Well, the temp agency got me another gig. Cleaning up fire damage. Sheesh. Let's talk about over-qualified again, shall we?? But, like the title says, it's a paycheck. It is only for the rest of this week though, but at least I will get money 2 weeks in a row. Hopefully they can keep this up. Even if it is just a week at a time, we need the $$. FUCK, I hate this shit. Money is such bullshit. Housing, health care and food should be free, or at least far less expensive than it is. *sigh* Oklahoma is slated to get a lottery this fall, maybe I will get lucky! Oh well. Off to work. A little something to amuse you.

Friday, June 24, 2005

What are the two dirtiest words in the English language??


What the fuck does that REALLY mean anyway????? Well, I found out today that I am not going back to work on Monday. The temp agency told me that they called and told them "She is really great, and we are impressed, but it just isn't a good fit. We can't give her enough work to keep her busy..." Blah blah blahdee fuckin blah. I'm over-qualified. Jebuz Crast, I just want a job. I don't care that I am just a grunt working, phone answering, do all the crap that no one else wants to do girl. I just need a fucking job. Either that or I need to be in some rich person's will. LOL (no offense whatsoever to anyone who is), and you know who you are. LOLOL. Well, back the the pavement I guess. Cripes, now I really may have to flip burgers somewhere. I love Stillwater. I love the atmosphere, and the surroundings, and of course I am positively thrilled that I live near my friends again, but right now, this fucking town can bite me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Not a lot...

There is not a lot to say today. 2nd day of new job. Better than yesterday. I at least had some real work to do. It is so odd to not be running the show like I was used to. But, at the same time, it's so nice to NOT be running the show like I was used to. Anyway, here is an airliner smuggling crack. LOL

Monday, June 20, 2005

Back to the grind

First day at the new job is officially over. BORING!!! LOL. The office manger (Connie) assures me I will have more to do as time goes by. Today I only answered the phones and stamped the bills. The rest of the time I was playing online games. The worst part, is that I cannot smoke ther. Not on breaks, at lunch, nada. Not such a bad thing really, as it will force me to at least cut back, if not quit altogether. BUT, it was really rough at first.

I went to Berg's at lunch time and breezed some time away chatting and watching him play Zelda: A Link to the Past. After I got back to work the smoking thing really wasn't so bad. I only thought about it 2 or 3 times but quickly diverted my thinking with a glass of water or a licorice vine. LOL. Whatever works. I hope I do get more to do there. If I do, I think I will like it there. Everyone I met seems really nice. Quiet bunch though, except for Connie. But her office is as far away from my station as possible. I sit up front. Truly, it just feels good to be working again.

Somewhere, Beyond The Sea

Last night was a scream!!! Went to Steph and Nettl's to participate in the b-day celebration of one of Nettl's co-workers. Jacey is her name. She is a laugh riot. This girl has only just (today) turned 23 and has already overcome cancer. Her attitude toward life is such an inspiration. She brough her BF Mica, who is 7 years her senior. He seems like a really decent and genuine human being. We all had a great time. Of course I was coerced into singing the standard duet with Steph (Fake Mammaries), which is always good for a larf.

J and M took off around 11:30-ish and S and N and I stayed out on the back patio listening to old standards and singning and dancing til after midnight. We had such a good time. I stayed the night there, and around 11 a.m. I slimed out of bed.

Steph and I watched the Kevin Spacey movie "Beyond the Sea" which is a movie depicting the life and death of Bobby Darin. Great film. Besides the fact that I am already a great fan of Spacey, I also love the whole Las Vegas campy lounge acts. I loved this movie. I heartily reccomend it.

Anyway, I finally got home today around 1:30. Beau got home just around 2 and we took a nap til almost 5. Cripes, I have not slept all day in a long long time. I loved it!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A desk and a lamp

Well, I got a call this morning from the employment agency. I got the job!!!!!!! Whoo hoo. 8-5 Monday through Friday. Weekends off!!! Not too shabby. Whew, that's a load off of our minds here in the Moore household. I start Monday. Anyway....... Here is another picture for you amusement.

Can you spell "ouch"

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ima Stu

I have been wondering why some of you have not been getting notifications of my entries. It just occurred to me that some of you have changed E-mail addys and I did not change them on this end. Sheesh. So lets play a game. Caption this! Just leave your caption in the comments. I'll go first.

"Holy KY Batman. When did they put THAT on your Batbelt?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

From boxes to boxxo

Well, I did get a call about that receptionist position, but I still don't know anything. Won't know until the end of the week or possibly Monday. So in the meantime, I spent most of the day clearing the empty boxes from the garage. Once I had accomplished that mission, I put all the tools and other implements of destruction away on the shelves and pegboard. Garage looks great!!! I could actually park my car in there now if I wanted to. Needless to say Beau is happy with it. One more thing he doesn't have to do. LOLOL. Hell, I have to do something to pass the time of day. Lord, I can get so bored if I let myself. Now I am enjoying a nice cold glasso boxxo. Tomorrow I plan on tackling the garage bedroom and getting it ready to become the bar. Any volunteers??? No? Oh well. Here is a picture for your amusement.

Fingers crossed

Supposed to be hearing from an employment agency today, regarding a receptionist position. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Would you like fries with that?

Well, we moved to OK and are pretty well settled in now. I love this house!!! That's the good news, the bad news is, I still have not been able to get a job. Cripes, if something doesn't come through soon, I am going to end up flippin burgers somewhere. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing shameful about that, but I have too much experience in other fields. Oh well, we do what we have to do eh?

In the meantime, we got a new kitten. He is a grey tabby and we have named him "Figaro". He is sooooo friggin cute. Last week we had a bit of a scare with him. He became lethargic and stopped eating. Took him to "The Cat Clinic", (where Steph's wife works as a surgical nurse) and got him rehydrated and put him on some meds that are intended to treat intestinal viruses and parasites. Something is working because he is just about back to his old self. Eating, drinking, and playing like a maniac. Last night he was doing acrobatics on the couch chasing my wiggling fingers. He is going to be a great cat.

Cosmo, the ten year old has been 'tolerant' at best, but she is getting better. I don't think they will ever be "friends", but at least I know she won't rip his little face off. Actually, she is a big ol pussy, because this big old cat is afraid of the little bitty. LOLOL

On another note, my B-Day was last Thursday and we had a party on Saturday. Steph, Nettl and Lauren (Nettl's oldest) came over and we had lots of food and wine. Steph and I ended up sitting outside for most of the evening, talking laughing and generally doing the weirds. Steph ended up staying the night, and the next day we whiled away the time watching the Food Network and bitching about the hosts. Something we have been doing for years. It used to be court shows, but now it's cooking shows. Some things I learned: Steph and I both hate, Bobby Flay and Emeril, and have similar opinions regarding most of the other hosts. Too funny, even after years of living in completely different zip codes, our similarities are still remarkable. I had a blast.