He had a collar on then,
with a little bell on it. So, he was either abandoned or somehow lost his way.
Either way, he became a fixture on our back porch eating right along side the numerous feral cats that I keep an eye on. We noticed he began limping about 2 weeks ago. We thought maybe he had gotten into a fight, or had been bitten by a dog, or something like that.
It happens, he's out side.

Well, last Saturday some neighborhood dogs got loose and were wandering the neighborhood. Georgestein decided to hike up the neighbors tree to get away from them. I did the Turkish rebel yell "kitty kitty kitty", which prompted him to come down and run to me. (He is very sweet and cuddly and loving you see, he WAS someones house cat) He ran to me and I immediately noticed that his sore paw was now dripping with blood. I called Beau to come look, and then I went to find the phone book, hoping to find some vet clinic open.
It's 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night, chances aren't good. But then, a glimmer of hope. On the outgoing message for the Perkins Vet Clinic is a message "If this is an emergency, call the OSU Vet Med teaching hospital". I called, we went.
3 hours later we brought the lucky little dude home. They didn't really do anything. I mean NOTHING!!! They looked, they gave us some pain meds and antibiotics and told us to follow up with our own vet. Follow up?? Follow up on what???
Well, now we know the Vet Emergency room in Stillwater is equally as shitty as the people Emergency Room in Stillwater.
The nurse and the vet were very nice ladies, and seemed to be genuinely concerned, but he didn't receive any treatment. The more time passes, and the more I get to thinking about it, the more pissed off I become. Anyway... I called and set up an appointment with The Cat Clinic of Stillwater. I have taken all of my cats to them. They are wonderful!!!
Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. I kept the appointment and was greeted by Dr Peakhearts always caring smile. She took his vitals and we chatted a bit about his condition and the fact that he was never supposed to have been an outside cat. Anywhoo, I left him in her capable hands and went back to work.
Dr. Cowell (The owner of the clinic) along with Jacye (Who happens to be a friend as well as a nurse who has been working for the Cat Clinic for the last 10 years) put him under heavy sedation and took a good look at his wounds. Cleaned him up well, and took some cultures.
I went back to pick him up after work and talked to Dr. Cowell. She was concerned because the culture came back with nothing to report. I mean, NO bacteria, NO organisms. Nothing.
His tissues were not necrotic as they should be with a typical wound and there were no pathogens living in the wound at all. Organisms and bacteria are everywhere. Even a healthy sample shows SOME bacteria and organisms. Strange. She also had bandaged him up and wanted me to bring him back this morning the have the bandage changed. I took him in the morning and dropped him off, chatted with Jacye for a bit and headed to work with the plan to pick him up at lunch and take him home. About 10 minutes later after I got back to work, I get a call from the desk nurse. "We have a group of kids coming today at lunch, and Dr.Cowell wants to talk to you in person, can you pick him up later?" Ummmm sure. "How about 5:00?" ok...
So I am getting ready to head back to talk to the vet now, and hopefully I will be bringing the little guy home. He is a sick little kitty and I really want to see him thrive, and then find him a good home. Sooooooo.....anyone wanna kitty???
i picked up a "feral" kitten that was starving to death in the snow and took him home.
that was 10 years ago, and the little bugger is still with me, god love him.. he's the best!
Welcome slyde.
What a great story!!!
I am kind of considered the "Crazy cat lady" amongst my circle of friends, so I am always glad to hear stories like yours.
Update on this end. Our little bugger is doing (Tony the Tiger says ...) Grrrreat.
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