Exactly when did this government lose it's way? When did our elected officials forget that they work for the taxpayer? When did "Position of Power take the place of "Position of responsibility"? The governmental leaders of this country have a responsibilty to serve it's people. Not the other way around.
The masses have been slowely brainwashed to reveal their necks to the government. "For the good of the people" they spout, while all the while going for the jugular to take every last right, every last shred of freedom and every last penny away from us. For. Our. Own. Good.
They have kept us just on the edge of panic. Dangling "Death is only a finger away" since the 50's. "Listen to US! We are the only ones that can save you!!" McCarthy said that free thinkers were communists, George W. calls us terrorists. I grew up with such messages screaming from every corner of the country. "America, Love it or Leave it." "You are either for us, or against us."
G.W. was caught on film saying "This isn't a dictatership, but it would be easier if it were."(insert familiar condescending smirk here) Am I the only one that was truly enraged and mortified by this Freudian slip? Keeping the American people, frightened and on the verge of poverty. Only granting us what the government thinks we need. Isn't that the definition of communism? "Don't question, just do as we tell you and everything will be OK."
This unbelievable joke of a presidency has never taken it's role seriously. Like a bratty child, "Well I got away with that...lets go one step further." Oppression in small doses. Like a slow acting drug, hoping we won't notice the effect until it's too late. Privacy violations are now in place For.Our. Own.Good. Criticizm of our president in considered a terrorist act. Helmet laws, seatbelt laws, smoking bans......For. Our. Own.Good. Right? More like conditioning the American people. Conditioning us to get used to being told how to live our lives.
Too many of us are content to shrug it off "Well, that's just how it is."
Changes have to be made....or is it already too late?
1 comment:
I'm in there with you, Ville! But I think that America is finally getting sick of it and speaking up. Damn! I hope so! I think that this financial meltdown has been the last straw.
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