Sunday, December 19, 2004

The written word, and other stuff

I have been reading a lot lately, mostly to pass the time but also because I truly love to read and have made so many excuses not to the last few years or so. I have read the occasional crotch novel now and then (4 Harlequins in an afternoon while having a garage sale), but I wanted to get back into reading books with a bit more intelligence. I finally went and purchased myself a copy of "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. To be honest, I have sort of put off reading this particular novel as I know there would be a great deal of past life flashbacks. And I wasn't sure I would be ready for some of them. Also, I have what I call "P.N.D." post novel depression. I get so close to the people I am reading about, that when I am finished with a really great book, I miss those people so terribly. This book was no exception. I usually wait sometime before getting into another novel, but I decided to pick up another anyway.

I am now reading The Da Vinci Code. I started it yesterday and about halfway through. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! Besides loving a good mystery, I am intrigued by the factual data conveyed in the story. Also, I really appreciate the fact that one must possess a higher than average intelligence to truly understand and enjoy this book. I found out today that the movie is in the works. Ron Howard director and Tom Hanks is slated to play the lead. To be released sometime in 2006. I look forward to seeing how well such an intricate story will convey to the big screen.

I have found a lot of time to read, because at the moment I am living alone. Beau is now officially living and working in OK. He moved down there near the end of November. Needless to say this has been hard. He has been down there for the most part since the end of October. Staying for 2 weeks, home for a week. Then staying for 3 weeks, home for a week. But as of the 1st of December he had officially begun his duties in his new position in OKC. Being apart from one another has been very very difficult. But, the upswing of this, is that we really miss one another. That sounds crazy, but think about it. So, I fill my free time with cleaning house, playing with the dog, playing trivia games on mIRC and now, reading. The latter being the most enjoyable. Thank goddess I have a job that I really like. Not just for finances, but to fill most of my days.

Thats about all the update I can muster right now.
I love you Beau.

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