Friday, July 14, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot...

Some of my fellow bloggers have been commenting on the heat lately. And, as the A/C in my place of employment has been down all day, I thought I would say a few words myself.

I hate the heat. It sux. I hate sweating. It's 88 in our office right now, and only fixing to get hotter. I'm not happy and I want to cut off all of my hair and dunk my entire head in the sink. How did the pioneers do it??

OK, that's my rant for the week.


Anonymous said...

I've always wondered how the world got by before climate control, and truthfully, a good part of the world still does. Guess it's mostly conditioning, but still. I've lived in KS most of my life and you'd think I'd be fairly adjusted to the climate, but I'm not. My tolerance for heat has only decreased with age.

Anonymous said...

We're spoiled by ACs. I remember as a kid in Solvang we didn't have an AC, and it was in the hundreds most of the summer. And I remember summer vacations cross-country in my dad's VW van and no AC. Simply put,


Ville said...

Yeah, I grew up without A/C too. Also I remember those many many vacations stuck in the backseat of our Maverick. No A/C in it either. I remember my brother and I would lie back and stick our feet out the windows. LOL
We didn't even know.

Anonymous said...

I guess part of it is that without A/C, we become acclimatized, (which I learned in undergrad takes 10 days). Not only do I wonder how the pioneers did it, but I also wonder how 2-3 billion people do it in the equatorial and/or tropical parts of the world. Not only are kids spoiled, but we are too!