Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday Five

OK, so now that the holidays are over and done with, I can get my life back to normal. Or as normal as my life has ever been. To start with, here is my newest Friday Five.

5 of my favorite books.

1. Catcher in the Rye - Salinger

2. The Good Earth - Buck

3. The Davinci Code - Brown

4. David Copperfield (or pretty much anything by Dickens)

5. Night Music - Waller

I love to read, I need to make more time for it. What are some of your favorite reads?


Unknown said...

Journey of Souls my Dr. Michael Newton- absolute fav of all time!! A must read!

Kaye Waller said...

1. Ketchup on the Rye
2. The Wood Girth
3. The Pie a la Mode
4. Chicken Cooperfield
5. Nacht Wurst


Anonymous said...

Mademoiselle de Maupin - Gaultier
Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
Animal Farm - Orwell
Journals - Anais Nin
Color Purple - Walker

Five isn't enough. I can't stop with five favorite books. That's just not fair. There are so many more that i love as much as the ones above. UGH, I'm jumping around in frustration, but I'll keep the first five that came into my head. One must make a decision and stick with it, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, fun! These may change next week. I'm that way about books.

1. A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving
2. The Magus of Strovolos, Kyriakos Markides
3. Cheese, Willem Elsschot
4. Travels with my Aunt, Graham Greene
5. Noble Norfleet, Reynolds Price

Anonymous said...


Don't make me come over there and smack you...