Friday, February 16, 2007

OK OK...

So I now have people threatening me to post something new. So here it is. Heh.

Let's see, Christmas was awesome. The hubby and I really tried to outspoil one another this year. I got him an X-Box 360 and he got me a new computer and a replica 1930's style stereo with a turntable! Yay! So I dragged out all of my old waxy love and have been having a blast reliving the past.

No New Years resolutions for me, I only break them.

OK, so much for the catch-up. You see, my life isn't all that interesting. Well, maybe it is to me SOMEtimes, but I really don't think it is all that interesting to other people. Maybe I am wrong. (Please feel free to be honest. Heh, like any of you would flatter me. LOL)

Have to run an errand, brb.

Ok, back. I had to visit a client. On the way back I stopped at a local bakery, Red Rock Bakery, and got a tea and this chocolate yum yum from hell. Oh man. It's so freakin good.

Well, I hope this makes you happy. Hehe. Tonight I have a dinner meeting with the Stillwater Young Professionals Association. Should be interesting. I'm ordering steak.

Well, the boss just walked in and I need to split.
I will try to post more often OK!!??

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