Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big relief

It's finally happened. The hubby found a steady job. He will be opening an office here in Stillwater OK, for an insurance agency based out of Arkansas.

Advantage One was a competitor when Beau was working for ABIA in Tulsa and OKC. Long story short, the owner of Advantage One always had a great respect for Beau and how he ran his offices. He and Beau, through happenstance, ran into one another via a message board on Yahoo. When He (the owner of A1) found out that Beau was a free agent, he nearly pissed himself with glee, because he wanted him to work for his company.

Not only that, but A1's new office was to be located in Stillwater. SO, when A1 found out Beau was a resident, he practically crawled through the phone lines to get Beau to sign on. After all the legalities and scouting for a location, the new office will be open on Feb 1. Beau will actually start his first day Jan 29, to set up shop and make sure the new office is ready for business.

I have not said anything to anyone about this, because for the last 10 months we have been through a roller coaster of "great opportunities" that never seemed to come to fruition.

Insert WHEW here.


Kaye Waller said...

Congrats!!! I know this is a great relief for you.

Kaye Waller said...

P.S. It looks like 2008 is going to be a good year!

Ville said...

I hope so. 2007 was pretty suck ass all around.