Friday, July 08, 2005

"Vision" of my future

So sorry for the expanse of time between entries. I have still been working at that fire restoration place. But today I have an interview for a real full-time job. I came home to change and still had a bit of time to sit here and blog about it. It is for a front desk receptionist for an Opthamologist's office. With my eyes I would love to work for an eye doctor. There are 2 other people in the running for this, so I have me widdle fingers crossed. Starts between 8 and 9 bucks an hour, depending on experience. Psssshhhhh... I should think I would be closer to the $9.00 range, but 8 would be okay too. Actually a good deal of money for this town. Well, I'm off. Wish me luck!!!

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