Wednesday, July 13, 2005


First off, let me apologize for being so quiet. That job I had cleaning really wiped me out. Then Monday I came down with a bad case of backache. I don't know if it the arthritis in my spine, the humidity that rolled through, tired muscles due to the cleaning job, or a combination of one or more. So, I came home at noon on Monday and didn't go back. I am still in pain, but it seems to be subsiding.

In the mean time, the employment agency got me an interview for what they would only refer to as "something like inside sales". Hmmm, ok. It was an in-house interview, meaning I would be speaking with the manager of the agency itself. I went at 8:30 this morning, truly not knowing what to expect. About 20 minutes into the interview, he dropped the bomb that the job was in house. In other words, he wanted to know if I wanted to work for THEM. LOL!!! Seems that my agents (Seth and Kathy) were so impressed with me, that when the position came up, they recommended me right away. How cool is that??? Of course I was thrilled.

After the interview, it became obvious that I had the job before I walked in the door, he just wanted to know if I wanted it. Of course I said yes. Dream job for me. I get to work in an office environment, AND deal with the public. I am so excited and proud of myself. I should say here, that I never did hear about the eye doc job. So his loss, I guess.

I am really looking forward to this job though. The pay is good too. Especially in this town. The best part, its not a "temp" job. I can finally count on a steady paycheck. I'm going to steal a snippet from The Incurable Insomniac and say, File this under: "Whew"


Anonymous said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!

And if this film I'm in doesn't bring in some bucks, maybe you can find me a job!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!