Monday, April 10, 2006

A musical meme

Answer the following questions using only the song titles from a chosen musician or band.
  1. Musician I chose:

  2. Are you male or female?
    Foxy Lady (I know it was a Hendrix tune, but they did a remake and I am counting it)

  3. Describe yourself:
    Fat Bottom Girls

  4. How do some people feel about you?
    Friends Will be Friends

  5. How do you feel about yourself?
    I'm Going Slightly Mad

  6. Describe your ex:
    See What a Fool I've Been

  7. Describe your current significant other:
    You're My Best Friend

  8. Describe a best friend:
    Bohemian Rhapsody

  9. Describe some one who is no longer your friend:
    Where Are You Now

  10. Describe where you want to be:
    Freedom Train

  11. Describe how you live:
    Lazing On a Sunday Afternoon

  12. Describe how you love:
    Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow

  13. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
    The Millionaire Waltz

  14. Share a few words of wisdom:
    Stop All the Fighting

  15. Now say goodbye:
    Don't Look Back


Anonymous said...

Did you get that "Leopardskin Pillbox Hat" was for you?

Ville said...

LOL, yep! What about Bohemian Rhapsody? That was kind of a duh too. :-)