Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tagged by Steph

I have been tagged by The incurable Insomniac.

  1. What were you doing 10 Years Ago?
    I was living in Colorado with my now ex-husband and being generally miserable.

  2. 5 Years Ago?
    Living in Kansas with my now husband Beau and working for ACME Brick as an office manager.

  3. 1 Year Ago?
    I was in the very very beginning stages of negotiations of the sale of my home.

  4. Five snacks you enjoy:
    Now that I know I am diabetic, the list has changed, so it now is as follows:
    Pig Bubbles (aka fried pork rinds)
    Sugar Free wafer cookies (peanut butter is way yum!)
    Cottage Cheese
    Vienna Sausages
    Tuna salad with soy crisps

  5. Five songs you know by heart but wish you didn't:
    YMCA - Village People
    Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
    Theme from the Brady Bunch
    My HS alma mater
    The Boston market "Eat Steak" song

  6. Five things I would do with a LOT of money:
    Pay off all debt (house, bills etc..)
    Take care of all my friends and family
    Buy a new reliable vehicle, or 2
    Seeing as I now have quit my job, I would travel the world
    Settle somewhere in Europe

  7. Five things you would never wear:
    An OSU t-shirt
    A cowboy hat
    Fake hair
    Any religious symbol

  8. Five things you should never have worn:
    Leg warmers
    Stretch pants
    Leather overall shorts with fishnet stockings
    A gold wedding band
    Catholic school uniform

  9. Five things you enjoy doing:
    Hanging with my peeps
    Playing video games
    Napping on Sunday afternoon

  10. Five bad habits:
    Interjecting unsolicited opinions
    Leaving my shoes where ever I have taken them off
    Not replacing the TP
    Not replacing trash liners

  11. Five people who must fill this out:
    I think Steph tagged 'em all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO! The "Eat Steak" jingle! I completely forgot!