Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny and warm day. I got quite a bit done. Cleaned the house, finished finding all I need for my costumefor thie weekends party and then I took a nap. Todays weather has been dark, drizzly and downright crappy. As a result, I slept in way to late, which of course caused me to feel like shit for hours. Even so, I did somehow manage to drag my ass out of the house and get the last of the party shopping done.
I will be honest. I almost canceled this years party due to complete and udder apathy. This year has been so full of suck, I just found it hard to get motivated. But, then I thought, we ALL need this party. We need a blow out. A reason to shout "Fuck it!! Let's have some fun!!" Now I am really geared up and looking forward to it again. Even the cats seem to be in an extra fun mood.
Hell ya! Sounds like you have had the year from Hell.You need to blow it out,and your party "it has flavors".I'll be there.
Ah J. I love you man!!!!!!
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