I went to the oral surgeon today to have 2 more teeth extracted. I opted to be completely knocked out this time. I have had this procedure done too many times, but never more than one at a time. I really didn't want to be coherent for 2. Anyway, I picked up
Steph at around 8:30 and headed to the dentist office. We got there just a few minutes early, and I got taken in fairly quickly.
After getting settled in the chair, one of the nurses hooked me up with some oxygen. It smelled sweet and helped to clear the headache that I woke up with. After about 5 minutes she informed me that she was turning on the laughing gas. "Let me know if it is too much" she said. (Yeah right.) LOL. Just as I was saying to myself nothing's happening, it kicked in. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ahhhhh, yeah, this is nice. Damn, I forgot how much I love the stuff!!! I was really enjoying the ride, but was truly and honestly thinking, "Damn, I wish Berg could be in here sharing this with me." For those of you who know us and have been around us when we are 'on fire', you could only imagine what THAT would be like. LOL.
A few minutes go by and the Doc comes in:
"How you doing?"
"Oh, I'm just peachy."
"Well, good. We are going to give you a few minutes to let the gas kick in."
"Oh it's kicking doc."
Chuckles and grins. "OK, well I will be back in just a bit to get your I.V. in ok?"
Slowly and contentedly: "Okelee dokelee."
He came back, just a bit too soon for me (hehehe) and proceeds to go over step by step exactly what he is doing: "OK, now I am going to wrap this band around your arm to help your veins show themselves," Mmmhmm. "now you squeeze your hand into a fist and I am going to lightly slap the inside of your elbow to help coax them out." K "Now, I am just wiping the area with some alcohol, so it's going to feel wet and cold." (this time, to myself . LOL OK doc, seriously I get it. "Now, your going to feel a little pinch as I get the needle in" No problem. I didn't even know, didn't feel it. "OK, now we are going to give you something to make you feel even happier." (again to myself) Yeah!? Cool!!
I was still waiting for this to happen, when I was woken by the nurse who informed me they were all done. Wow. It's such an odd sensation. I wonder if that is what it is like to be hypnotized. Funny thing though. I had continued thought process through the whole thing. Last time I was put under, I had a definite "blackout". Not this time, this time my brain was still babbling on. At first I didn't really remember want I had been thinking about, but as the day has progressed, I am beginning to remember. But thats another blog.
OK, so now the nurse helps me to my feet and we go into the recovery closet and she asks me who brought me. I was trying to say Steph, but apparently I wasn't getting it out right (mouth full of gauze and numb all over), so I finally said "Berg, just ask for Berg". So Steph comes back to see me and he and the nurse help me to sit up right. Steph asks me how I'm doing and all I can say is "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse" I guess you had to be there, but with all the gauze stuffed in my mouth, it was just all I could think of. More jokes were made, and Steph ribs me for making the nurse call him Berg. LOL.
The nurse then gives Steph the after-care papers and tells him what they say (cuz I am not going to remember). Then he drove me back to my house. I thought I was pretty lucid at the time, but I only remember about 3/4 of the drive. Anyway, we got back here and I swallowed some pain meds and the antibiotics they prescribed (I have a heart murmur, so the antibiotics are a precaution). The Berg and I had some pretty good conversation about life and friendship, and how wonderful it is that we are the friends we are. And how great it is to see our circle grow. It was a very sweet and slightly misty conversation between 2 people that love one another.
Steph then generously got me some refried beans and rice from Taco Bueno, and he had some tacos. Lynette came by to get Steph around 1:15 or so and I took another pain med and crashed on the couch.
So it sucks to lose more teeth, but, all in all, knowing I have such great friends who will always take care of me when I really need it makes it not so bad. Besides, I got good drugs out of the deal! LOL. I'm so predictable.
Oh I failed to mention, I went in my polka dotted Wonder Bread (tm) pajamas.