Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Spring fever

We have had a few of those "pre-spring" 60 degree days here and it has given me spring fever in a big way. So much so that I have even had dreams of planting wildflowers. The birds are beginning to return which reminds me it is almost time to start filling the bird feeders again. I can't wait for the hummingbirds to come back and to be able once again to sit out side on the deck and enjoy the sunshine with my morning coffee.

The sun is beginning to rise earlier and set later. As it streams through the cracks of the blinds in my kitchen in the morning, I can hear the cardinals singing as though their songs are somehow the cause of the sunrise. Even my cat seems to have more energy. Early in the morning just after I get out of bed she runs around frantically, chasing imaginary creatures around the house. Eyes wide like two black marbles. This morning she raced down the stairs to the basement, where I was having my morning ciggy, and made an appetizer out of some poor unsuspecting beetle. When she was finished she proceeded to stalk around, presumably looking for another tiny treat. As if you couldn't already tell, I am really looking forward to Spring.

Spring has always been my favorite season. The blanket of winter depression seems to fade away with the snow, and my senses become alive again. The smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of hundreds of types of birds singing as though they sing for me alone. Baby animals begin to emerge on wobbly legs, the green buds of leaves poking delicately from the branches of refreshed and well rested trees and thousands of flowers begin to once again share their colors with us, as though presenting us with a gift for our patience through winters greys and whites. One more month until Spring officially begins. Many years ago, it was tradition, for Cteev, Dave Reed and I to play hooky on the first day of spring, I think perhaps I may bring that tradition back this year. Oh and one more thing, Spring makes me so horny!!


Anonymous said...

"Oh and one more thing, Spring makes me so horny!!"

You Pagan you! LOL!!!

Ville said...
