Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On taking food from strangers...

Some guys from a local church came into my office today, selling banana bread.

My response: "I don't take home made food from strangers."
One guy's response: "Oh, it's ok, we're Christians."
My response: "Well, THAT doesn't mean anything."
Their response... blank stares.
My response: shrug and walk away. I don't think they got it.

Reminded me of something that happened here at work last year.

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and myself and a co-worker were volunteered to pull payday duty. These 2 yahoos come in with a bucket of suckers asking for donations for some Christian church.

My response: "I don't donate to churches."
One guy asks, "Why?"
My response: "I'm not a Christian."
One guys asks, "Then what ARE you?"
My response, not in a terribly pleasant tone: "I'm a PERSON."

Even my co-worker was dumbfounded by the ridiculous and insulting question. I think his buddy was embarrassed too. He looked at the guy and just said, "Let's go."

Here's what I have to say about that:
I don't need your religion, I don't need to be fucking saved, I don't donate to your crooked churches and I don't want your fucking banana bread!!

I think I do just fine as a good human being walking around on this crappy little ball of mud we call earth. I'm good to people, I love and care about my friends and family and I believe whole heartedly in the golden rule. I live far more Christ like than MOST Christians I have ever met. Yet somehow I am the one going to your dreamt up flaming hell?

So please, and I mean this in all sincerity and with a loving heart. To all you banana bread hawking, sucker toting money grubbing hypocrites KISS MY PAGAN ASS!!

Ahhhh... Better. Thank you.


Horus Jay said...

HOLY shit! That was great! Preach it Ville!
You rule in my book.

Anonymous said...

Drew Carey says, "1,000,000 points for Ville!"

Kaye Waller said...

That's my Ville!

Shit. Now I'm craving banana bread...

BTW!!!!! Plan a poker night real soon. u9 is coming to town tomorrow.

(Word Verification for this comment: YCAWTAB.

Usage #1: "Shut up, y'cawtab!"

Usage #2: "Hey kids, Brad has some ycawtabs!"

Anonymous said...

You crack my shit up!! I can so see you telling me this story as we are sitting in your backyard having a smokey treat. I love reading your blog it gives such great visuals!