Thursday, September 28, 2006


So, I have been feeling pretty crappy the last couple of days, so I broke down and took a trip to the walk in clinic this morning. Turns out I have a mild case of bronchial pneumonia, and another sinus infection.

Will the joy never end?

OK OK OK, all that crap aside. My Halloween bash will be on the 21st this year. That gives us all about 3 weeks to pick our costumes. I still have no idea what I am going to do. I do this every year. I say "This year I am going to plan ahead!" then I usually pull something outta my ass at the last minute. LOL. Any ideas for a clueless Ville?


Kaye Waller said...

Man, I'm so sorry that you've been sick. Hope you get better immediately!

Ville said...

Thanks Berg. I'd like to say I feel better already, but I don't LOL