Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The latest on the visit

Beau talked to his mom last night, and it turns out that she will be coming here with Em (that's my step-daughter). They will be coming on or around the 5th of July and leaving on the 10th. Only 5 days. *sigh* I'm so weird. As nervous and apprehensive as I had become about this, I am so disappointed that the visit will be so short. Also, as much as I love Beau's mom, I was kinda hoping for a little exclusivity. But Beau and I talked last night and he made a good point. For all intents and purposes, Em really doesn't know either one of us. She is close to her grandmother, and this way she will be comfortable having someone she knows with her. This will be the door opening for future visits.

I am so thrilled that Beau and Em have this chance to reconnect. It has been a long time coming and I just have all the optimism in the world that this is the new and fresh start they have both been needing for so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that everything will work out great!! I think that she is going to need you!!!