Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More propaganda for poor behavior

There is another commercial out now that's just irritating as all hell.

Little girl standing in front of a roller coaster: "If I have to hug one more princess on my vacation, I'm gonna hurl."

Hmmm. How do you think the poor woman in the stupid princess costume feels?? "If I have to hug one more smug, snot nosed, spoiled, self centered brat I am going to puke!"

Seriously, that kid is lucky she even has the luxury of being on such a vacation. Her parents work and slave at their lousy jobs all year just so the little jerk can have a week of entertainment. I bet she never even said thank you. She probably thinks she somehow "deserves" it.

And when did this trend start? This trend of advertisers propagating poor behavior as normal and acceptable. It's appalling. No wonder kids today have such a twisted sense of entitlement. It has begun to spill into our society as this generation of lazy little f&*^&kers have begun to join the work force. No experience, lousy job history or no job history at all. But they want a cushy office job that pays $10.00 an hour. Uuuuumm. NO!

What are these parents teaching these kids?? What ever happened to "If you work hard and prove yourself, you can get all the things you want in life." Now it seems as though the mentality is "I want this and I don't want to have to work for it. Just give it to me." Well Bite Me! You get nothing. It seems so simple. Give nothing...get nothing. Jeez. Do the math.

Well, speaking of working, I guess I better do some.


Anonymous said...

You go girl! I couldn't agree more!

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that that little girl looks a lot like you did at that age?

Ville said...

Hey now!!! LOL. I was way cuter!!!