Friday, June 24, 2005

What are the two dirtiest words in the English language??


What the fuck does that REALLY mean anyway????? Well, I found out today that I am not going back to work on Monday. The temp agency told me that they called and told them "She is really great, and we are impressed, but it just isn't a good fit. We can't give her enough work to keep her busy..." Blah blah blahdee fuckin blah. I'm over-qualified. Jebuz Crast, I just want a job. I don't care that I am just a grunt working, phone answering, do all the crap that no one else wants to do girl. I just need a fucking job. Either that or I need to be in some rich person's will. LOL (no offense whatsoever to anyone who is), and you know who you are. LOLOL. Well, back the the pavement I guess. Cripes, now I really may have to flip burgers somewhere. I love Stillwater. I love the atmosphere, and the surroundings, and of course I am positively thrilled that I live near my friends again, but right now, this fucking town can bite me.


Anonymous said...

Just heard about this on Steph's site, what a bunch of crap! Let go for being too efficient? wtf?! I smell something foul. Most employers, no wait... all of them that I've worked for would and did seize on that to exploit the person by giving them everyone else's jobs to do. Oh well, hopefully your next job will go better :)

Ville said...

I agree. I think they prolly wanted to hire a family member. Practically everyone there is related somehow. Can you say Nepotism?? Fuck faces.